settembre, 2018

03set(set 3)0:0007(set 7)23:59ICA 2018 - 11th International Congress on AEROBIOLOGYADVANCES IN AEROBIOLOGY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF HUMAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: A MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACHCentro congressi della Camera di Commercio di Parma, Via Giuseppe Verdi, 2/a, ParmaSettore:Varie

Dettagli Evento

The 11th International Congress of Aerobiology is a good opportunity to acknowledge the state of the art of this multidisciplinary scientific branch. ICA2018 will contribute to ensure recognition of aerobiology in society and amongst politicians, and to support aerobiological monitoring and environmental information on regional, national and international levels . Pollen, fungal spores, allergens and other biological particles are fundamental components of the air quality assessment and should therefore be included in the corresponding regulations. To reach these goals, an interdisciplinary approach and in particular a close collaboration between aerobiologists and clinicians with botanists, environmentalists, urban designers, public authorities etc. are necessary in order to broaden our horizon, to improve the health and the quality of life, to reduce direct and indirect sanitary costs and to preserve the quality of the environment.



3 (Lunedì) 0:00 - 7 (Venerdì) 23:59


Centro congressi della Camera di Commercio di Parma

Via Giuseppe Verdi, 2/a, Parma

Centro congressi della Camera di Commercio di ParmaVia Giuseppe Verdi, 2/a, Parma